Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I call do-over!
Let's try this again. I'm coming at this with the same intentions, but with the resolve and perspective that almost four years of experience can give. This blog begins again now. GO!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'd better work on these titles..

I'm writing because I know there are stories to tell. That there are others who are forced to live away from their kids. But the question is what kind of blog should I write?

Do I want to deposit fatherly wisdom my kids could sift through later to gain the life lessons I might have been able to teach them had I been there every day? Or do I want to share, in an adult voice (as adult as I get anyway), my frustrations, stories, and opinions about subjects like post-divorce sex?

Fuck it, let's go with the sex thing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Almost four years ago, I had to leave my kids in a foreign country when their mother and I divorced.
I have missed them every day, cried for them more times than I like to remember, and tried to come up with ways to keep being "daddy". This is my story... with all the struggles, scars, and successes included.

Thanks for reading.